Relax and refresh by having fun!
Join us for interesting and fun games while enjoying being outdoors together with your group!
The activity is made with the following games according to your wishes. The winner team is rewarded with a small prize. The activity is easy and the games are not physical.
Tandem Skiing
Mind Puzzles
Animal Sound Quiz
Horseshoe throwing
Sling Shot
Comical Darts
Axe throwing
Giant Mölkky
Bird Sling
Boot Throwing
Lock Puzzle
Knot Challenge
Miniature Archery
Match throwing

35€ + VAT 25,5% per person. Minimum charge is for 10 persons
Duration of the tour is 1,5 hours (including 6 games) or according to your wishes
​Maximum group size is 200. For bigger groups please ask for availability
This activity can be arranged all year around
What to pack: Outdoorsy clothing matching the weather
In case of rain we will provide good and comfortable rain capes
Water bottle is included.
Espoo / Helsinki / Hyvinkää / Kirkkonummi / Nuuksio​
Hotel Majvik
Hotel Hanasaari
Restaurant Haltia
Hotel Nuuksio
Backby Manor
Hotel Korpilampi
Hotel Lepolampi
Hawkhill Cottage Resort
Haltia Lake Lodge
Bodom Manor
Koiviston Huvila
Palsta Kirkkonummi
Quality Hotel Sveitsi
Työväen Akatemia
Finnish, English
Insurance Plans​
Organizer has a liability insurance, the personal accident insurance for the participants is not included